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none a ur freakinq bees wax! =P, New York, United States
❤유웃.smile like the sunrise☀.cash like Johnny. banks like ashley.sweet.clinically bipolar.music is my life.michael jackson lives 4eva.cuffer.not cuffinq but crushinq.beauteeful.outqonq.stronq.yonqest.stand alone & hold my own❤ WANT 2 KNOW MORE ASK . http://www.formspring.me/cashsexJUiCY

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Siqhs. =/

Soo theres this quy , that you cann
hmmm kinda sorta sayy im interested inn. =/
but iactually HATE beinq interested in ppl.
When it actually comes to the "qettinq to know" part
im like a deer cauqht in headliqhtss. .FROZEN STUCK!
& trust?! FUHGETABOUTIHT. ihave trust issues with ppl.
icant trust anyoneee.irefuse to open up & let another
qet the best of me than use it aqainst me n hurt me.
this is the same exact reason that i just
leavee this relationship b.s ALONE
icant be bothered tho i see him
everyday.idk what to do.
but w|e happens
i`ll live riqht?!

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